Biogas Holland has replaced the gas holder, CHP (Combined Heating and Power), gas treatment and gas flare at RWZI Zwolle of Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta on behalf of ADS Groep. As a result of the work that has been carried out, RWZI Zwolle has become independent in energy consumption and becomes an energy producer.

Energy producer

The amount of sludge to be processed has increased due to the closure of surrounded waste water treatment plants and the addition of external waste. The WWTP did not have the capacity to process the extra amount of sludge and has therefore been expanded and updated. Increased in sludge and waste, in combination with optimized processing, results in extra increase of biogas production. In addition to optimal sludge processing, WDOD also strives for sustainable energy generation.

Due to the optimization and capacity increase of the sludge processing (ADS Group) and the renewal and modernization of the biogas cleaning, storage and utilization (Biogas Holland), RWZI Zwolle has far exceeded the energy-neutral status and can call itself a energy producer instead of energy consumer.

Optimization Biogas installations

In addition to support with design, and engineering, Biogas Holland has also fulfilled a contractor role. During the renovation, Biogas Holland is responsible for the supply and installation of a gas holder, a biogas drying installation, a flare installation, central heating boiler installation with heat distribution and finally a CHP installation. With this optimization, WDOD not only compensates for its own thermal and electrical energy consumption, but also generates extra electrical energy for approximately 1500 households.


We look back with satisfaction on a pleasant cooperation with ADS Groep and Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta. Proud of the result that we have achieved together! Would you like to know what Biogas Holland can do for you? Take a look at our website or contact us on 0513-74 50 53.